Jodi’s Story- Gaining Strength

Tell us a little bit about you!

I'm a homeschooling mom, volunteer, tutor - I wear many hats!   

When did you start Pilates, and why did you decide to give it a try?

I started Pilates in November of 2022.  My daughter, Tressa, suggested I give it a try.  Walking and hiking have been my primary source of exercise for many years, and both were becoming less enjoyable because of hip pain.  When hiking on uneven terrain, I would often trip or turn an ankle halfway through which was frustrating.  In addition, my body was stiff and sore every morning, and I was finding it harder to get up off the floor.  I chalked it up to just being almost 50 and didn't think I could do much about it, but Pilates has helped immensely!

How has Pilates helped you?

I noticed pretty quickly after starting Pilates, that the stabilizer muscles in my legs and hips were starting to "fire", and I felt so much stronger when walking!  I didn't even know that those muscles weren't firing and how important they are.  I have learned so much in Pilates!  I don't feel stiff and sore everyday like I used to.  Walking and hiking are enjoyable again, and I haven't tripped on a hike in a year!  I didn't realize that having a strong core would also help so much in everyday life - more strength, more energy, more stamina to do all the things God has given me to do in this stage of life.  I look forward to getting stronger as I get older. Another unexpected perk of a strong core - a stronger singing voice!

What do you love about your classes at Pella Pilates?

I like the routine of regular exercise. It is a consistent appointment on my calendar which keeps me accountable!  Natalie does a great job of designing the classes to be a good mix of challenging and restorative.   I've loved learning about the muscles in my body and what they need to stay strong.  Doing classes with others is really fun as well - we laugh, we complain about some exercises, and share a little of life together. 

How do you feel after you are done with a Pilates session? 

Always glad I went!  

What is your favorite Pilates exercise to do?

I love doing exercises on the SpineFitter. It wakes up all the muscles in my body - it feels so good! I also love lunges for stretching.


Elise’s Story: Relief from Pain