Pilates and Chronic Pain: Tressa’s Testimonial

Hello everyone! This blog post is a bit different, as it’s going to be written in the first person. That’s because I’m featuring myself today!

I’m Tressa, and I manage the online side of Pella Pilates, mainly the website and social media presence. I really enjoy working with Natalie both on the business side of things and in the Pilates studio. I am so excited to share my story with you today!

First up, a little bit about me and where I’m at. I got married to the love of my life, Brett, in October of 2022! We live in Grimes, Iowa and are loving this newlywed season. I own and operate Ballast Virtual Assistance, through which I contract with small businesses and handle their online administrative tasks. I also work seasonally as a Legislative Secretary in the Iowa House of Representatives. 

I have known Natalie for what seems like forever, but we reconnected last year when she was in the process of starting Pella Pilates and needed a website designer. We started working together, and I decided to give Pilates a try in May of 2022.   

Now for some health backstory! After a month-long virus in 2021, I knew something was very off with my body. I now had chronic joint and muscle pain, brain fog, fatigue, etc. I was incredibly stiff, couldn’t twist at all, and some days couldn’t even bend down due to inflammation and pain. I eventually sought out a functional medicine doctor and started homeopathic treatment for a whole host of internal issues. While my treatments solved the internal issues, I needed to progress past the physical weakness and pain I felt. It turns out, the gentle movement of Pilates was just the medicine I needed! 

Natalie coached me SO patiently and helped me re-train my mind and body. I stopped fearing movement and started seeing dramatic improvements in my mobility, pain levels, and overall well-being within the first month of practicing Pilates! 

Now, after almost 8 months of regular sessions, I am stronger than I’ve ever been! My joints are flexible and strong, and I don’t deal with pain or inflammation on a daily basis like I used to. I have so much more energy and am not afraid to carry heavy loads or walk long distances. Even when I do wake up with some pain or inflammation, I just do a few recommended Pilates exercises at home and feel better almost immediately! 

I have also noticed that my stamina has grown significantly! Over Christmas, my husband and I went to a trampoline park, and I was able to jump with no pain and kept jumping off and on for over half an hour. That may not sound like an accomplishment for a 22-year-old, but there is no way I would have been able to jump on a trampoline for more than a few minutes even six or seven months ago. 

Doing a plank on the Reformer: something I never would have been able to do a year ago!

Natalie saw where I was starting and addressed me as a whole, integrated person: mind, body, and soul, and has coached me accordingly. The Lord used her encouragement and expertise to help pull me out of a locked-up body and anxious mind. I will always be deeply grateful for Pella Pilates & Wellness! 


New Instructor: Paige!


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