Tricia’s Testimonial: Restoration and Strength through Pilates

We are excited to share with you the lovely Tricia on the blog today! Her story is one of restoration, growth, and empowerment. Read our interview with her here: 

Tell us a bit about you and where you are at!

By the numbers, because I am an accountant by degree, I am 47, married to Lance for 27, mom to 3 sons (ages 23, 19, and 14), BMI is obese, favorite-spot-on-the-couch sitter,  3-year concussion recoverer, generalized anxiety disorder, friend, family member, mentor, maximizer, encouraging texter, headline hoarder, question asker, advocate, 725 Ministries life story navigator & chef, and just recently made the decision for a significant working-life pivot following a 25-year career in business leadership positions.

What is your Pilates story? 

At the start of 2022, I was granted an unpaid sabbatical from work. One of my goals for my sabbatical was: anticipating, being open to, and following through with prompts for each next easy and obvious yes. I desired to live out my passion for enabling myself and others to thrive, rather than just survive!

I intentionally knew part of my sabbatical focus needed to be about building new healthy rhythms, and part of that needed to include accelerating my physical activity.

But I wasn’t quite sure what, where, or how that was going to transpire.

Providentially, there was a perfectly placed post in my Facebook feed for Pella Pilates. I literally had no idea what Pilates was, nor did I Google or research it. On July 6, I was drawn to the photo of a small, serene space, and I felt prompted to write on the “New Client Inquiry Form” saying, “I do not currently feel comfortable in large group fitness – do you offer 1-1?”

July 26 was my introductory session. It was 1-1 and it was everything I had sensed from the photo – personal, caring, comfortable, emotionally and physically safe, indeed the next obvious yes in my life story.

I returned the next day, July 27, and I have been a never-miss 3x per week MWF 8:00 am participant!

What has Pilates helped to change for you? 

Pilates, Natalie, and Paige were exactly what I needed physically and personally in this season. 

I’ve gained physical strength and personal confidence. I am stronger, better balanced, more capable, and curiously courageous.

Recently I said yes to helping out a local painter on a part-time basis. Through Pilates, I have developed the flexibility, balance, and strength to jump into painting every day without experiencing any aches or pains. 

In the past year I’ve gone from sitting 10 hours a day, to intentionally seeking out a lifestyle that consists of unforced, physically active rhythms. I have discovered and fueled an inner athlete in my spirit and in my body.

What do you love about Pilates? 

I have enjoyed acknowledging when I am or am not feeling the anticipated muscle connections, recognizing which side of my body feels stronger than the other and making the necessary adjustments, and boisterously celebrating doing things physically I could never do before. 

I am reaching further, bending farther, contributing to the funny quotes of the day while doing Pilates, and being proud of who I am right now on this day, in this moment.  I am honoring exactly what I am capable of in the now, while also being supported and encouraged in discovering what more is possible. I am thriving, and Pella Pilates is an important piece of that puzzle I’ve been assembling.

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Tricia! You are so loved. 

To read more of Tricia’s writings, visit 

If you are interested in learning more about Pilates or joining a class, click here


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